Antonella Di Leo (Green Voice 2020)

Authors: Antonella Di Leo

Antonella di Leo, editor of the Wise Society join in the Green Voice format of Milan Green Forum.


What is the institution you represent doing to better address the ecological transition?

Wise Society was created to bring together people who believe in a circular economic model, in which everyone, in their own area of ​​expertise, is committed to a better and more sustainable future.

For this reason, in Wise Society space is given to the protagonists of this change: architects, doctors, sociologists, architects, artists, designers, who share their experiences in order to create virtuous circles towards change.

Furthermore, we flank and support companies that want to embark on a path towards sustainability, with projects and communication activities.


The ecological transition also passes through the actions of the individual. What do you do for the environment on a daily basis?

Every day I make choices, asking myself what are the impacts that certain actions can have on the environment.

For example, when I choose products I prefer local products that have sustainable packaging.

I also transmit these values ​​to my children, educating them in the philosophy of “no waste”, and I try to be active in schools, bringing my experiences and my culture of sustainability.


Do you think there is someone or something from our days or from the past from which to draw ecological inspiration?

Thanks to Wise Society I was lucky enough to meet and interview people who inspired me and from whom I understood that everyone, in their own small way, can make a difference.

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